Essential oil diffusers have become a staple in many homes, offering a way to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of aromatic oils. But for those with a penchant for perfume, the question arises: can you use your favourite scent in an essential oil diffuser?
This blog will outline different types of diffuser and their use cases, going on to assess which types of perfume are suitable by carrier fluid.
Why Do Some People Want to Put Perfume in Essential Oil Diffusers?
Essential oil diffusers customise the scent experience and the ambiance of a space. You may want to do this specifically with your favourite perfume. This will certainly be the case if you can’t access this same scent as an oil-based accord. You may also just wish to learn further use cases for your diffuser
How do Essential Oil Diffusers Generally Work?
Essential oil diffusers work by separating the essential oil into its component molecules, dispersing these into the air. Various methods, both destructive and non-destructive, exist to achieve essential oil diffusion.
What Are the Different Types of Essential Oil Diffuser and How do they Work?
Diffuser mechanisms for scent diffusion include nebulisation, ultrasound, heat and evaporation. Here is how they work and why they might be used.
Nebulising essential oil diffusers:
Nebulising essential oil diffusers work in a similar way to perfume atomisers. Diffusion is achieved by forcing pressurised air through small tubes of essential oil. The air stream forces the oil out the diffuser and weakens the intermolecular forces in the oil. This physically breaks the liquid down into fine droplets of mist in the air.
Nebulisers can be preferred because they don’t use heat, reducing risk of fire or degradation of the oil. Water isn’t used, reducing room humidity and the amount of oil needed for a stronger scent.
Ultrasonic essential oil diffusers:
Ultrasonic diffusers vibrate a plate to transfer ultrasonic waves into water and essential oil. These waves break down the oil, churn and even the mixture, and increase evaporation at the mixture’s surface. A fan disperses this water-oil vapour through a nozzle into the air.
Ultrasonic diffusers diffuse water so are great as humidifiers for enclosed spaces with low humidity. Like nebulising diffusers they do not use heat, making them child and pet safe.
Heat essential oil diffusers:
Heat diffusers are used to warm a mixture of water and essential oil, releasing scent into the air as a water vapour mixture. Designs can be as simple as a heated plate, on which you would place your essential oil.
Heat diffusers are simple, convenient and affordable while giving long lasting scent release.
Evaporative diffusers:
These diffusers rely on airflow to evaporate essential oils from a porous material, such as a pad or reeds.
This is a quiet, low maintenance method of scent dispersal, though pads and reeds do have to be changed occasionally.
Which Perfume Types Can be Used in Which Type of Essential Oil Diffuser?
Understanding the compatibility of perfume bases with diffusers is crucial:
Alcohol-based perfumes:
Alcohol is flammable, particularly when vaporised so it’s not recommended to diffuse this into the air under any circumstances. The alcohol fumes are not the healthiest to breathe in either, particularly for children and pets. The additional fixatives in most perfumes may also clog or damage your diffuser.
CELIE & COUCH perfumes are all alcohol-based, so please enjoy our products but do not use them in a diffuser under any circumstances.
Water-based perfumes:
All types of diffusers can be used with water based perfumes. The carrier fluid presents no risk when heated. For heat and ultrasonic diffusers, which require dilution in water, your water perfume will be premixed.
It’s best to choose a water based perfume with a minimum of preservatives as these may damage your diffuser’s internal components. For heat and ultrasonic diffusers, be mindful that your water perfume was mixed elsewhere and may smell stronger or weaker than intended when diffused.
Silicone-based perfumes:
Silicone perfumes are notoriously tricky to remove from skin, and the walls and surfaces of your home are no exception. This is because silicone is hydrophobic, making it resistant to easy cleaning, and a buildup can stain surfaces.
This same residue buildup will occur in your diffuser as well, increasing the risk of clogging and damage without laborious cleaning efforts.
Oil-based perfumes:
All types of diffusers can be used with oil-based perfumes, as oil is the original design principle of essential oil diffusers. Be mindful of the fact that the diffused scent will be weaker than a pure essential oil. Also try to use an oil-based perfume that is fully mixed and with few additives.
While it's possible to use perfume in essential oil diffusers, it's essential to consider the safety of your home and your diffuser. While water and oil-based perfume can be used, with some restrictions, stick to spraying alcohol and silicone based perfumes on your skin.
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